Thursday, April 2, 2009

Signs and Symptoms of Autism

There is a set of very good ebooks of which one tells you the 31 signs and symptom of Autism to look out for when you suspect a child may have autism or a behaviour that you can't explain. If you need to find out what signs to look for and to seek a medical opinion this is great. It is written by an Author, Rachel Evans who has direct experience of dealing with an autistic person.

I have bought her products on Autism and from a mother with an Autistic child I really find the resources amazing and extremely useful. I really recommend that you buy her ebook and you will see that there are added bonuses which makes it really every cent.

Click Here!

visit my other website on Signs and Symptoms of Autism You can request your FREE ebook which is now made available.

Dealing with a Autism - Autistic child

I am a parent of a year old Autistic boy who was diagnosed when he was just two and a half years old.
Discovering your child has a lifelong condition and is not your typical normal child is quite a heartbreaker and takes quite a while to get over and come to terms with.
No-one can ever tell you what definitely causes autism. Many theoretical causes have been thrown around but nothing conclusive in my opinion. However, what is known is that it is a mental health problem which is due to damage caused to the brain, even caused during pregnancy or just before birth where some women who have had traumatic births which have gone horribly wrong causing brain damage to the newborn baby.
However, having an autistic child or an Asperger's child (high functioning end of the Autistic Spectrum) can make your whole life very difficult and impacts the whole family especially siblings.

The following webiste tells you what every parent should know about their autistic child ....

Click Here!

Another very good site to visit tells you about Autism Symptoms and Treatments
Click Here!